

WAIST.                             Subject position:The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms folded across the thorax.            METHOD: This girth is taken at the level of the narrowest point between the lower costal (10th rib) border and the iliac crest.The anthropometrist stands in front of the subject who abducts the arms slightly allowing the tape to be passed around the abdomen. The stub of the tape and the housing are then both held in the right hand while the anthropometrist uses the left hand to adjust the level of the tape at the back to the adjudged level of the narrowest point. GLUTEAL (HIP).                           Subject position: The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms folded across the thorax.The subject's feet should be together and the gluteal muscles rela...


WRIST                                    Subject position:The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the left arm hanging by the side.The subject's right arm is slightly flexed at the shoulder,the elbow is extended,the forearm supinated and the hand relaxed.                 METHOD: This girth measurement is taken distal to the styloid processes.It is the minimum girth in this region.Manipulation of the tape measure is required to be sure the minimal girth is obtained.The tissues should not be compressed by excessive tension. CHEST.                                 Subject position:The subject assumes a relaxed standing position with the arms hanging by the sides and slightly abducted.                      ...


GIRTHS.                   Subject position:The subject assumes a relaxed seated or standing position with the arms hanging by the sides and the head in the Frankfort plane.                 METHOD The girth of the head is obtained in the Frankfort plane at the level immediately above the Glabella with the tape  perpendicular to the long axis of the head.The table needs to be pulled tight to compress the hair.Use of the middle fingers at the sides of the head is often necessary to prevent the tape from slipping over the head.Do not include the ears and ensure that there are no hair pins,clips or similar items in the hair during the measurement. NECK.                                        Subject position:The subject assumes a relaxed seated or standing position with the arms hanging by the ...


Biostatistics is the scientific process of collecting,collating, analyzing,presenting, interpreting and disseminating health and health-related data in estimating the magnitude of associations and testing hypotheses.                         Biostatistics can further be defined as a branch of  medicine that involves the process of collection,collation, analysis, interpretation, presentation of health and health-related information that may lead to conclusion and decision-making.               Biostatistics embraces those techniques pertaining to health and health-related sciences.     APPLICATION OF BIOSTATISTICS .                  * In Disease Surveillance    *In the evaluation of Healthcare services.            *For the analysis of health and health-related data.    ...


If you exercise regularly, you understand there are many more benefit other than just weight loss or staying in shape.Aerobic Exercise and workplace productivity go hand in hand.Being productive and alert at work can help you get your job faster and even make you more eligible for a promotion.If you do not exercise regularly, you could be putting health and job at risk.Daily Aerobic Exercise Improve s your workplace productivity greatly. You are more alert and increased energy.One way Aerobic Exercise can help boost Productivity at work is through alertness.When you engaged yourself in Aerobic Exercise programme, you are also increasing blood flow to the brain, which help sharpen your awareness and make you more ready to tackle your next big assignment.A protein called BDNF. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor boosts your cognitive abilities and BDNF is triggered by exercise according to The American Council on Exercise. Happy Viewing.


Flexion of proximal  INTERPHALANGEAL  Joints Of Lateral 4 Toes  Flexion Digitorum brevis               Backlying, ankle in mid-position between plantar and dorsi-flexion. Stabilize proximal row of phalanges of lateral 4 Toes. Patient flexes toes. Resistance is given beneath middle row of phalanges of lateral 4 toes for normal and good.                                 FACTORS LIMITING MOTION.                             1.Tension of extensor muscles tendons/dorsal ligaments of toes.             2. Contact of soft parts of phalanges.                      FIXATION.                             1. Stabilization of foot...


  (Normal and Good) for Gastrocnemius and Soleus.                                Standing on limb to be tested, knee straight. For Normal grade, patient raises heel from floor through range of motion of plantar flexion. Patient should complete motion four or five times in good form and without apparent fatigue. The Tibialis posterior and the peroneus longus and brevis muscles must be normal or good to stabilize the forefoot and provide counter pressure against the floor. A good grade is given if patient can complete full range of motion two or three times and then has difficulty in completing the movement.