Wrist Extension Normal and Good ü Forearm in pronation, muscles of thumb and fingers relaxed. ü Patient extends wrist. ü To test Extensor carpi radialis longus and bravis, resistance is given on dorsal surface of second and third metacarpal bones in direction of flexion and ulnar deviation. ü To test Extensor carpi ulnaris, resistance is given on dorsal surface of fifth metacarpal bone in direction of flexion and radial; deviation. Note: Do not allow extension of fingers during the movement of resistance to prevent substance to prevent substitution by the finger extensors. FLEXION OF METACARPOHALANGEAL JOINTS OF FINGERS NORMAL AND GOOD ü Forearm supinated ü Stylize metacarpals ü Patient fixes fingers metacarpo phalangeal joints, keeping inter-malangeal joints extended. ü Resistance is given ...